Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Parking Spot Caper

There is a paid summer intern working in my office building who continually parks in my parking spot. Although the spots are not designated, I've been parking in that spot for four years. I've casually mentioned to the intern, 4 or 5 times, that they are parking in my spot, but to no avail. Do you have an opinion on what my next course of action should be? I look forward to your opinion !!! - Signed Peeved Parker

Random Opinions of People off the Street:

Dude with short hair and skater/shredder type clothes: "So, like its not really your spot right. And there aren't any assigned spots right? So, look for a better spot and snag it. Leave a little early, and get a better spot. Survival of the fittest."

Woman in office attire, high heels, big hair getting into her car with a handbag the size of the empire state building: "What? I don't see no sign with you name on it. What are you tawking about, this is your spot.... huh?.... what the F... is a blog? Are you taping me? ARE YOU TAPING ME? Gimme that tape. gimme... you mutha f....er... get back here"

Woman walking her dog. "Well, technically since there isn't assigned parking, you are limited to what you can do, I would try to get to work before the intern."

Executive looking gentleman entering a limo. "Get a movable Handicap standing sign. Keep it in your trunk. Put it in the parking spot when you have to leave and in your trunk when you want to park. "

Angry Mike: I had that problem once, here's what I did.... Park as far as you can from the front door. Turn it inta a new trend... you know, a health nut thing. Pretty soon, the intern 'al be the only one parking nice and close to the building. And people'll be wodering whats wrong with him. Den.... Den... when everyone is parkin' a mile away, you pretend ta wrench your back, see. Youse gotta park close now. Every one'al be bringin stuff to ya... like you an invalid or someting.

Lucille the Hair Stylist: Wasn't that a Seinfeld Episode
Woman in Lucille's chair: No Lu, that was an episode on that English show... what's it called...
Lucille the Hair Stylist: No, Rose, I'm sure-wa it is Seinfeld, and it had Kramma in it
Woman in lucille's chair: what eva, I still think it was someting else

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