Saturday, June 28, 2008

To Wear a Shirt or Not, That Is The Question

Question: My sister keeps telling me that a grown man walking around without a shirt on in the summer is not appropriate. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Angry Mike:
You chopping wood, bucky? Or running a marathon or someting. Keep your shirt on, it aint hygenic.

Lucille the Hair Stylist: Well, my ex-husband just to walk around the house in his unda wear. He would watch TV on the couch in his tighty whities and if anyone came ova he would cova himself with a newspapa or something. It was pretty funny, but really gross when you think about it... the almost naked body all over the furnicha. So, I suppose, if you are all sweaty or something I would prefer you wore a t-shirt in my house, soz you weren't dripping all over my couches and stuff.

Mom Blogger: Actually it's better for your body if you wear clothes, here are a couple of resources I found on the internet to support that opinion, this one addresses... dressing for outdoor work:
---and this excerpt taking from the bikers etiquette page: "Shirts
At the most basic, a cotton T-shirt shields passers-by from the alarming sight of your naked torso. We have always found pure cotton to be infinitely superior to polyester-cotton mixes: warmer in winter, as an undergarment, and cooler in summer."
---and finally, you will see a wide variety of opinions to this very question at this yahoo answer link: , where if you read to the bottom you will also find a link to a supportive google group who discusses "Men who go shirtless" please be advised this is marked as "adult content" and that my friend should say something about whether it is appropriate!

Sigmund Fraud: Vell... dis is a bery innnnnttterestink quvestion. If you dink dee only reason more people don't go shirtless, is because dey have flabby tummies..... you are wrong. Most people don't go shirtless because it is not appropriate. Dere is not a quvestion here. It does not help your body cool off on hot days to be shirtless. It is not pleasant to see. However, if it is a matter of freedom of movement or if you have a medical reason for requiring nakedness, then you must plan your life accordingly. Dere are communes, clubs and whole beaches dedicated to dat lifestyle.

Bill, 43 year old lawn boy: Well, I don't see the problem. I take my shirt off, and the ladies just love it. I see them peeking out their windows and the girls giggling as they ride their bikes by... I figure, if more people had a body like mine, more people would show it off. Besides I only have a couple of weeks a year to work on my savage tan.

Anonymous male opinion: Well, I like men without shirts. I like men with short shorts (I just read the previous blog entry about Men's Shorts... ) and if you put on ankle socks and stick a rainbow somewhere I'm sure you will find like minded people. Keep it up sweet cheeks.

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